
Greetings, traveller.

I’m known online as ~hedy (pronouns she/her). I write and talk about software both professionally and as a hobby. Here, I share my thoughts on topics within software development and beyond. I’m a FOSS and accessibility advocate, and I appreciate decentralized social media and the personal web.

You can find me on Mastodon where I ramble about life and topics that interests me. Humans as a collective are more similar than we think and tend to admit. If something interests me, chances are you might find it interesting too. I also frequent in communities, such as Lobste.rs, an invite-only link aggregator similar in some ways to Hacker News, The 32Bit Cafe, and the Tildeverse.

In my spare time, I read and write both words and code and hack on my editor and other parts of my setup.

# Places online

Here are some other places you can find me on the internet.

## The Fediverse

## Code

## Others

# Contact

I love to connect with people over email conversations. Share your thoughts on a topic from any of my blog posts by using the “reply via email” link at the bottom of each post.

My preferred method of contact is email, at hedy.dev@protonmail.com.

Here are some other methods of contact, in order of preference:

# Uses

OSMacOS, Ubuntu
BrowserZen, Vivaldi
Monospace FontIBM Plex Mono
Gemini Clientgelim, Lagrange
Spartan Clientgelim
Gopher ClientLagrange
EditorNeovim, Emacs
ShellFish, Nu
ThemeCatppuccin Mocha, Tundra (neovim)

For more information on my setup, check out my dotfiles repository on GitHub.

The tech stack for this blog and other related information can be found in my colophon.